Barbados Beachfront Condo Price Index West Coast

Given the events worldwide in 2020 and 2021 the Beachfront Condo Index on the west has remain remarkably stable over the last four year with total movement of only three points since 2018. Similar to the South there has been limited addtion to the beachfront stock however you cannot drive along the coast with noting the increasing number of multi unit deveopments on the other side of the road. With several large beachfront developments with units available, this trend which has seen some good results sale wise allows entry into the west coast market at a more competitive rate. Look out for a more in depth analysis on this trend from the team.

We mentioned in the 2020 Red Book that the leveling off we had seen just emerging at the time hinted that the market while stablised did not seem on a trajectory to return to 2016 levels, and with increase in options at lower price point very close to but not on the beach this continues to be unlikely.

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