TERRA TIPS – Buying, Selling or Renting Real Estate? When to Hire a Valuer.

Property may well be one of the single biggest investments we make during our lifetime. Valuers conduct extensive market research to identify properties comparable to yours and consider key metrics including but not limited to size, quality, location etc. when concluding an opinion of value. Valuation Reports include specific descriptions of the property and utilize plot plans, floor plans, interior and exterior photos, details on the property’s age and condition, architectural features, amenities, current and planned development, legal proceedings-all factors which could potentially impact the value of the property.

These reports have a variety of purposes and are widely used as guides when considering:


Due to the level of detail involved, valuation reports are often used by an array of professionals so when evaluating your property and your goals, consider your requirements carefully to ensure you receive the professional advice most suited to your needs.


Lisanne Graham
CPA, PMP, MRICS, Leader – Advisory Services

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Lisanne Graham
CPA, PMP, MRICS, Leader – Advisory Services

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