With the publication of our 11th edition of The Red Book, we challenged ourselves to provide more value to you the reader. For the very first edition of The Red Book, our concept was to produce a reference for the Barbados property market. It was never meant to be a sales listing guide of what we had to offer, but rather a reference point for the industry to gauge the market. To this end we gathered as much info as we could, we verified it as best we could, and then we tabulated it and published it in a way that was easy to understand. We learnt much in this process and we developed our knowledge culture around this annual publication. Knowledge is a very interesting resource – unlike other resources, where the more of it you extract the less you have left, with knowledge the more we gather the more there is to be gained.
We were very pleased when last year our Grenada office published their first edition; and, there are many more territories in the works.
As always, the team at Terra Caribbean decided to push the envelope and to “change it up.” We believe that often standing still means the world goes past you, so we like to move quickly to stay ahead and help you our clients to also stay ahead of the trends.
Internally we called this 11th edition “The Red Book version 2.0”. The aim is the same – to provide a reference guide on the Barbados market for our clients and the wider industry within the segments of the market that we operate. We try to suggest some possible conclusions from the data but we certainly do not mean to offer specific advice from this high level publication. Our Advisory, Brokerage and Facility Management teams offer advice every day within the scope of their respective practice areas. We provide that advice to a wide spectrum of clients – from some of the largest conglomerates in the region to individuals contemplating their very first real estate transaction.
We believe that an informed market place makes better decisions. We participate in that market place and we have a passion for knowledge. The Red Book is a reflection of that passion and we hope that you will find our latest edition to be even more useful in your decision-making process regarding real estate investment. As always I am very appreciative of the whole team for putting this together. The online version can be found on our website, so please feel free to share it as much as you like. Also remember to drop me a line with any idea that you have for a future edition and how we could be of help.
Please enjoy reading the articles or just looking at the property data. Most of all, I hope that when you have looked at it you will conclude that you are more informed about the market. The Red Book is often quoted by individuals and has even been referenced by the International Monetary Fund. I am not sure how we feel about that but I guess they thought it was useful. I hope you will too.